All traffic through Slussen will pass through the new bridge at the same time that the western bridge is closed and demolition begins. Cars will be able to come and go from Södermalm via Skeppsbron. However, it is not possible to turn west as the road through Slussplan and Munkbron has priority for public transport. A gauge barrier will be placed at the height of Kornhamnstorg.
Public transport is also a priority in Katarinavägen and a barrier will be placed just west of the entrance to the parking lot in Katarinaberget.
– Some buses that have previously run in Katarinavägen are likely to return there. But that’s for SL to decide, says Eva Rosman, communications manager for the Slussen project.
On the new bridge it will be one lane for car and another for public transport in each direction. At Skeppsbron, there will be one lane for mixed traffic in each direction.
For one year, pedestrians can only walk on the Saltsjö side of Slussbron. But the biggest change for pedestrians occurs for those coming and going from Stadsgårdsleden, Söder Mälarstrand and Gamla stan. They refer to stairs and elevators in the temporary bus terminal for the Nacka and Värmdö buses.
There is also a change for bicycle traffic to and from Stadsgårdsleden and Söder Mälarstrand into the city. Cyclists will be able to get to and from the new bridge via a ramp and later on an on- and off-road road in the middle of the bridge, before continuing to Skeppsbron or Munkbron.
According to the plan The new low walking and cycling bridge on the Mälaren side will be in place in the fall of 2021.
The Södermalmstorg area, next to the Hilton hotel, will be fenced off and work will continue on a new plaza and new buildings. There will also be a major archaeological dig here in the spring of 2021.
– Södermalmstorg will be an open square. It could be an outdoor cafe and maybe a summer setting. In Mälarterrassen, which is being built towards Slussen, there will be restaurants and cultural elements, says Eva Rosman.
Under the new bridge work continues with the lock itself, therefore a fence is placed outside the walkway on the east side.
– We do not want anyone to throw electric scooters and other things in our work area. We have had problems with that in Katarinavägen, says Eva Rosman.
The number of passengers riding public transport, pedestrians, and cyclists is increasing each year, while car traffic has decreased in recent decades. When the traffic office measured this spring, 30,000 cyclists a day passed through Slussen.
The bike flows to Munkbron respectively Skeppsbron is already shared on Södermalmstorg. the one who has led badly cannot change.
– The first week will be confusing, we will have traffic guards to help and show road users the right way during the first days, says Eva Rosman.
More than 100,000 people are expected to bike and walk in the Slussen area daily by 2030. This is double the number today.
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