Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s mistakes in the debate


Part of the debate was on the coronavirus, where Biden took the opportunity to criticize the president’s actions. Donald Trump defended himself by saying his opponents would like to shut down the economy to protect themselves against the virus, which would damage growth.

“He wants to close this country and I want to keep it open,” Trump said.

That is a statement that is not true, according to CNN. Biden, on the other hand, has said a closure is necessary if the experts say so.

Donald Trump on the tax

Donald Trump claimed during the debate that in 2016 and 2017 he paid several million dollars in taxes, although documents the New York Times read show that he only paid $ 750 in taxes for each of the two years. Trump reiterated his earlier statements that he will release his statements “when they are ready.”

Donald Trump repeatedly attacked his opponent’s son, Hunter Biden, claiming he had received $ 3.5 million from the former mayor of Moscow, of which, according to CNN, there is no evidence. Trump also said Hunter Biden makes billions in business in China, of which there is no evidence, according to the New York Times.

When the debate was on crime, Donald Trump claimed that Joe Biden called African-Americans super predators in 1994 in connection with new anti-crime legislation. It was Hillary Clinton who used the term in 1996, but Joe Biden later objected, according to CNN.

Joe Biden also used exaggerations and came up with factual errors. In an attempt to contradict Trump’s statements on economic success, he said the Democrats “left him a prosperous economy and he caused the recession.” But that’s not true, according to the New York Times.

Joe Biden distanced himself from environmental politics

Joe Biden also claimed that the trade deficit with China is now larger than before, which is not true, according to CNN.

In the debate, Joe Biden also distanced himself from the “green new deal” environmental policy, which was put forward by members of the Democrats’ left, and said it was not “his plan.”

Although Biden has not supported the “new green deal,” he has borrowed heavily from it for his own climate policy, according to NBC News.

Trump’s attack – on Biden’s son: “That’s not true.”

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