On Tuesday, time is running out to nominate candidates for the next Green Party spokesperson after Isabella Lövin. Previously, five women have expressed interest. Among others, one of the party’s group leaders in the Riksdag, Annika Hirvonen Falk, Gender Equality Minister Åsa Lindhagen and party secretary Märta Stenevi want to take over as spokesperson for Isabella Lövin.
Now Elin Söderberg, district president of the Green Party in Västerbotten and a member of the Umeå city council, announces that she is also a candidate.
– The climate issue must be given a higher priority. How we solve it is something I have worked with throughout my working life. That is my passion and the reason why I became a politician in 2013.
Confidence in the MP’s environmental policy is one-third of what it was before the party entered government in 2014. What needs to be done to regain the trust of voters?
– On the one hand, it is about continuing to promote politics, they are important efforts that were made in the budget. On the one hand, we also need to communicate what is really being done now. In order for us to achieve the climate goals, we need greater voter confidence. So we must be clear about what the Green Party itself wants, while actively working in government to also implement environmental policy, says Elin Söderberg and continues:
– It is the next ten years that we need to make a real social change. And it is absolutely necessary that we be in the Riksdag and the government for Sweden to comply with the Paris Agreement.
Do you think the party needs to expand?
– We have a holistic approach where we see the relationship between citizens, state and ecosystem that makes us reach different conclusions from other parties. Therefore, there are many voters who are unsure of the party’s position on welfare, business, and the like. And it is necessary that more come out.
– But we are the only party with the solutions to environmental and climate problems. We want to show that we have breadth in the game, without losing those issues under any circumstances. Then the necessary adjustment will not take place in Sweden.
If Elin Söderberg is elected spokesperson, she will not compromise.
– There are always limits. When it comes to implementing a policy, it is about making an assessment in each individual situation of what leads us to assume a future that we want to see. We cannot sit back and wait for a majority in the Riksdag, but we are in a situation where it is important to be at the decision-making tables and take all the steps to advance positions.
The news that Isabella Lövin would resign came unexpectedly for Elin Söderberg, but after the members encouraged her, she decided to run for a new spokesperson. An election that includes a minister, two group leaders, and a party secretary.
– It is an incredibly important task to become the next MP spokesperson. But also an incredibly difficult and challenging task. So during that period, I turned around and turned around and came to that I am ready to take on this task and be available to the members, says Elin Söderberg.