Constantly dating new people also means a higher risk of getting infected with the virus. Meeting the same 30 classmates or colleagues every day for a week is therefore less of a risk than meeting 30 new people every day for a week.
Where we hang out with other people is also important. Staying indoors is riskier than meeting outdoors because the infection spreads more easily indoors. A small yet unexamined Japanese study calculated the odds of infection (the probability of spreading the infection divided by the probability of spreading the infection) and concluded that they were 18.7 times higher indoors than outdoors.
The opportunity to Keeping your distance is also crucial. The less we distance ourselves from other people who may be carriers of the infection, the greater the risk that we will also become infected. Therefore, it is more problematic to socialize in smaller rooms where congestion occurs easily. Many people now report increased congestion on public transportation and for this reason it is a good idea to avoid rush hour travel to make it easier to keep your distance or to refrain from traveling on this type of transportation altogether.
When it comes to outbursts related to team sports, the suspicion is that socializing in the locker room is more of a problem than the activity that takes place on a large hockey rink or on a soccer field.
Staying in the locker room may not be completely avoidable as it is difficult to get to the game or training in full hockey attire, however it is important to consider the distance and try to keep the number of people who are in the locker room at the same time. It may also be justified to try to limit the time teammates spend together in the locker room. The time we spend with other people is also important, and more time with other people is associated with greater risk than shorter meetings. Therefore, a shorter stay in public transport or in the grocery store is less of a problem than spending more time in the corresponding type of vehicle or premises.