In Stockholm, the number of corona cases has almost doubled in two weeks.
Stockholm Stockholm Deputy Infection Control Doctor Maria Rotzén Östlund says the increase is “worrying”.
– We had seen a slight increase in the previous weeks, but have seen it all the time since the number dropped dramatically in the early summer. Now we think we see a trend break, he says.
In two days, new figures for the region on the spread of the infection will be available. Now there is great concern that the curve will continue in the wrong direction, as in several other cities in Europe.
– We do not know where it will go somewhere, if it will go down again for a few weeks or if it will continue to rise, says Maria Rotzén Östlund.
Compare with the rest of Europe
Analyzes of the region show that it is widespread in all age groups where sampling is recommended and that it has increased in several locations in Stockholm.
– If you look at the figures, we also know that there has also been an increase in Europe in many countries, so it partly follows the pattern that we have already seen.
The Swedish Public Health Agency and the Stockholm Region have previously stated that there are discussions about restrictions on family quarantine if the spread of the infection is not overcome. That is, adults in the same household as a corona infection should be isolated.
Maria Rotzén Östlund says that an alternative that is being discussed is that people who have to stay at home in that case would receive some kind of compensation. She sees it “very positively”.
– This is being discussed and working, so we’ll see where it lands somewhere.
One million people around the world have now died from covid-19. Globally, deaths are declining. But in Europe, they have risen four weeks in a row.
Most of the new cases since the beginning of the pandemic.