Tegnell: Development is slowly going in the wrong direction | News


One of the deaths is related to a younger person, according to Anders Tegnell.

– For privacy reasons, we will not comment further, he says during Thursday’s press conference.

With Thursday’s figures, more than 90,000 cases have already been confirmed and the Swedish Public Health Agency has noted that the number of cases is increasing.

– Development in Sweden is slowly going in the wrong direction, says Tegnell.

However, globally, the increase is much more serious.

– The increase that started last week continues this week and sadly, it looks like we are heading into a new record week.

“Creating a new situation”

According to Iréne Nilsson Carlsson of the National Board of Health and Welfare, the situation in medical care is stable, but calls for extra caution on October 1, when the ban on visiting Swedish nursing homes is lifted.

– Create a new situation. What applies from October 1 is that the person living in a special accommodation decides if and when he wants a visit, says Nilsson Carlsson.

The restrictions remain

Earlier on Thursday, Stefan Löfven announced that the government will not ease coronary restrictions due to the further spread of the infection.

However, Anders Tegnell’s assessment is that certain restrictions could be eased.

– Our basic assessment is that it is possible to increase the limits under the strict regulations that we indicate so that the risk of infection does not have to significantly increase. That assessment is still there, he says.

The text is updated.

“You will see that we have a death among the youngest.”
