New spread of covid-19 at Blekinge Hospital


Blekinge Hospital has been badly affected in early spring by the coronavirus, as it spread, among others, to the surgical room and the geriatric room. Most of those who died from the virus in Blekinge had been infected in connection with visits to the hospital.

Now, the spread of the infection has picked up steam again in the surgical department, after two employees and two patients were found infected. These are two older men, one of whom is now receiving hospital care for covid-19. Now a new admission stop is being introduced in the surgeon’s department.

– We cannot know for sure that none of those affected, neither the patients nor the staff, have been infected in the room, but the connection there is still so clear that we assess that we must stop the ingestion for the moment, says Bengt Wittesjö, doctor infection control.

The admission stop is initially valid until next week.

Strong increase in recent days

In the past two days, 35 confirmed cases of covid-19 have been found in Blekinge, representing an increase in parity from what seemed like early summer when Blekinge had its highest peak.

– It’s too early to tell if it’s a second wave, but it’s remarkable. They are primarily the youngest adults we see now, in the 20-29 age group, in disease statistics. We have also seen this in reports from other parts of the country, which is mainly where infection is increasing, says Bengt Wittesjö.

Bengt Wittesjö mentions pub rounds, changing rooms and staff rooms as the main places where the infection is now spreading.

– This is what has emerged after our interviews with the infected, who in many cases have gone out having fun at night and have gone from restaurant to restaurant or similar.
