Swedish politicians divided by immigration agreements


EU Commissioner Ylva Johansson has predicted that no member state will be completely satisfied with the proposed new migration policy. This is a prediction that appears to be true, given the reactions of Swedish politicians.

Alice Bah Kuhnke, an EU MP for the Green Party, says they received the proposal with some disappointment. She does not believe that what she is proposing is enough to help people on the run. The proposed fast track for immigrants is very worrying, where people who are deemed to lack valid grounds for asylum may be more easily turned away already at the EU border.

– It threatens the right of all people to have a legally safe asylum process, a trial if you have the right to request asylum. Instead, Ylva Johansson and the Commission emphasize comeback, it’s in their focus, and it’s deeply problematic, she says.

Positive SD to border control

At the same time, it is the same proposal that other politicians put forward as the most positive.

– What is gratifying is that a mandatory selection of all participants in the EU is proposed. We need to get control of the border and the safety of our citizens, says Charlie Weimers, EU MP for the Swedish Democrats.

On the other hand, he criticizes the expanded definition of relative immigration, which also includes siblings, and the proposal that migrants should be able to be located in countries where they already have a connection.

– We know with the great immigration from Sweden over the decades that a large proportion of those who could claim a connection could end up in Sweden.

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Charlie Weimers (SD) and Christina Höj Larsén (V). Photo: Fredrik Persson / Vilhelm Stokstad / TT

KD: You can’t force countries

Hans Eklind, a member of Parliament and immigration policy spokesman for the Christian Democrats, is also critical of the proposal that membership control distribution. But overall, he welcomed the proposal and believed that it contained many positive parts. The crucial adjustment is that immigration policy must be based on voluntariness, he says.

– It is a prerequisite for the package to survive the press conference. Countries cannot be forced to accept people. Here’s something on the way that can lead to serious negotiations.

V: Fear more refugee camps

Christina Höj Larsén, a Left Party spokeswoman for migration policy, does not believe that a voluntary reception within the EU works well. She calls the proposal “sad.”

– At a time when countries want less and less and do everything possible to treat people who flee in the best way possible, it is difficult for me to see that they achieve that goal with respect to human rights, he says.
