More than 100,000 young people unemployed since the pandemic


The corona pandemic has hit industries with a high proportion of young workers hard. The hotel and restaurant industry, like commerce, has lost many jobs. Also, more people may lose their jobs as multiple warnings have yet to be executed.

– If you look at hotels and restaurants as examples, more than 40 percent have a temporary job there, a predominant part of them are young, Annika Sundén tells DN.

“You better continue your education”

He believes that the crisis will bring about major changes for young people who are suddenly unemployed.

– If you are young and have worked in the trade for a few years, for example, you may have to think that this job will not come back, or at least there will be far fewer jobs there. Then it is better to train more for something where there will be a demand, for example, care and nursing, says Annika Sundén to DN.

Changed conditions

Conditions for some professions can fundamentally change, explains Annika Sundén, noting, among other things, how shopping patterns have changed with online shopping, which has received a real boost with the corona pandemic.

Annika Sundén also draws parallels with the crisis of the 1990s and highlights the conclusions that were later drawn, among other things, that people who have been unemployed when they were young are forced to let themselves be swept away with negative consequences for the rest of their lives. careers.

They have been unemployed to a greater extent than others who left their jobs during the crisis later in their careers, and they also have lower incomes by comparison.

READ MORE: Are the highest unemployment during the crown crisis