Ylva Johansson proposes strict new rules
Stay at home. But if you keep coming here, you should go home quickly.
These are the two most important points of the new EU asylum and migration policy.
The EU’s common migration and asylum policy quickly succumbed when it came under pressure from the massive influx of refugees in 2015. Since then, countless attempts have been made to agree on a new one, but without success.
The new Commission, there Ylva johansson Responsible for those issues, he took office last fall and finding a solution to this problem was one of the priority issues for them. Ylva Johansson, EU Commissioner, has now tabled a proposal that must be approved by both the European Parliament and member states for it to enter into force.
The proposal can be briefly and succinctly described as follows: Preferably stay at home. But if you keep coming here and you have no obvious reason to apply for asylum, you need to go home quickly.
Photo: TT
Ylva Johansson proposes strict new rules for EU migration policy.
Countries from which many refugees comeor en route to the 27 EU Member States, they will receive even more support than they already receive from the Union. The intention is to improve living conditions, as well as to strengthen parts of the judiciary, so that people do not leave the country. It is the first flank in the pincer maneuver.
The second is a heavily reinforced external border where all those who come from third countries, that is, countries outside the EU, are embedded.
In a file system called Eurodocs There is already a lot of information about different people, but there will be more, even if people have visited EU countries before, and in that case, whether or not they behaved.
Those who apply for asylum but are not considered to have asylum grounds are immediately excluded and must be notified within twelve weeks if their application must be processed or if they must return home immediately. It is not clear what happens if everyone wants to help send people home but not receive anyone.
Those who apply for asylum and are evaluated refugees under the Geneva Convention, they are immediately informed of the country to which they are going. Preference is given to countries where you have relatives, have studied, or some other compelling reason.
However, EU member states can choose between receiving asylum seekers or helping to ensure that they return home. In the languages of the EU, it is called solidarity.
Despite that, Ylva Johansson said, who was previously a minister in the Swedish government (s), as follows even before submitting the proposal:
– I do not believe that any member state is satisfied.
So it can be. But nobody is happy with the current situation either, so at that very moment there will be no changes.
That suggests that the proposal maybe you have the opportunity to realize is that Ylva Johansson has spent a lot of time traveling the member countries to find out how they want him and what they absolutely cannot imagine.
What speaks against is that some countries have never wanted to accept refugees. While others, like Sweden, sat back on their heels and said that we have done enough now for many, many years to come. I think a cautious forecast is that the proposal will have major problems in being adopted. But swearing is for the best.
Last year 140,000 so-called came “Irregular” migrants to the EU. A small proportion, according to Ylva Johansson very small, of them had asylum grounds.
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Of: Lena Mellin