FINAL ANSWER. Despite the fact that we have accumulated concrete evidence (statutes, personal unions, networks, etc.) on the connections between Ibn Rushd and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Muhammad and Högman return to their standard answer on conspiracy theories and suspicions without factual basis. . If they renounce all ideological identification with MB, they need to explain why they remain in the MB organizational network.
We understand this to be difficult as Ibn Rushd’s bylaws state that upon dissolution, all assets must be transferred to the Islamic Association of Sweden (IFiS). IFiS, in turn, transfers its assets upon dissolution to MB’s main body, Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE). Case closed.
The Salafists are defended
The “factual basis” to which Ibn Rushd refers to his collaborators leaves much to be desired. Among all the errors, it stands out, for example, that the Turkish state religious authority Diyanet “corresponds to the Church of Sweden” and the Salafi Bellevue mosque is portrayed as the guarantor of (!) Terrorism and extremism. It might have been taken for a joke if it weren’t for the millions of tax dollars that flow to undemocratic actors.
With regard to Ibn Rushd’s member association, Gothenburg Muslim youth started a collaboration with Milli Görus in 2015. It is a Turkish variant of MB with similar ideology and goals. Milli Görus also has a long history of Islamism and anti-Semitism and described the Holocaust as a “myth”. Ibn Rushd has also recruited imams from the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) in his training. The ECFR is the Sharia unit of the European Brotherhood.
Högman and Muhammad have creative thoughts on what our agenda is. In this case, it’s very simple: that Swedish tax money shouldn’t pay for the Islamism that promotes segregation. We understand that Ibn Rushd has another.
By Magnus Ranstorp
Associate Professor at the Swedish National Defense College
Peder Hyllengren
Analyst at the Swedish National Defense College
Aje Carlbom
Assistant Professor at the University of Malmö
READ MORE: Ranstorp and SD carry out a persecution against Ibn Rushd