Corona in Stockholm: can be quarantined within the family


Of: Hans Österman


Family quarantine can be introduced in Stockholm to slow down corona infection.

This would mean that those living with someone infected must isolate themselves.

– If we decide to, it can go pretty fast, says Björn Eriksson, director of health and healthcare in the Stockholm region, to Aktuellt from SVT.

The issue of isolating family members from those who tested positive for COVID-19 has been debated since the pandemic began. In Sweden, there have been no such recommendations so far.

At the Swedish Public Health Agency press conference on Tuesday, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell opened up to local restrictions in Stockholm. When asked when they can be featured, he replied:

– Exactly what it will be, we are discussing, but one of the next few days.

At the Swedish Public Health Agency press conference on Tuesday, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell opened up to local restrictions in Stockholm.


At the Swedish Public Health Agency’s press conference on Tuesday, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell opened up to local restrictions in Stockholm.

Opens for family quarantine

Later in the evening, at SVT’s Aktuellt, Björn Eriksson stated that family quarantine is included as an opportunity in ongoing discussions between the Swedish Public Health Agency and the Stockholm Region.

– You can imagine that when it comes to restraints, for example, you might be isolated at home when you live in the same home, when you have been in close contact with someone who is infected.

Björn Eriksson did not want to answer how many days such a quarantine should be applied, but according to the general recommendation of the Public Health Agency, a patient who tests positive for covid-19 must remain at home for at least seven days after it symptoms begin and also have had at least two days without fever. For patients without symptoms, the same rules apply from the day they tested positive.

The infection has increased so much

Infection in the Stockholm region has increased recently. Last week, 2.2 percent of all corona tests were positive. The week before, that figure was 1.3 percent.

– The downward trend is broken. In the last week, we still had low levels, but a substantial increase, said Björn Eriksson in Aktuellt.

Photo: SVT

“I myself worry that we will have a second wave and that we will become more infected,” said director of health and medical care Björn Eriksson in Aktuellt.

– The increase in infection applies to all ages and is well distributed geographically. There are no groups we can find.

The decision can be made quickly

The decision about family quarantine can be made on short notice, according to Björn Eriksson.

– It is the Public Health Agency that discusses the regions with us when they think it is time. If we decide on that, it can go pretty fast.

Björn Eriksson now urges Stockholmians to continue washing their hands, keeping their distance, and staying home in case of illness:

– There is no reason to relax when it comes to following the recommendations. Now it is important that we take more so that there is no increase and we avoid restrictions.

Until now, the need for care in the Stockholm region has remained low. In Tuesday afternoon’s update, there were 27 corona patients, two of whom were in intensive care, at one of the county’s emergency hospitals. That’s an increase of three patients from Friday’s report.


