Nike Nylander and Carina Bergfeldt on threats against SVT


Welcomes Extra Millions From Government To Increase Security Following Threats Against SVT

Of: Torbjörn Ek


SVT profiles such as Carina Bergfeldt, Nike Nylander and “Swedish News” Kristoffer Appelquist are singled out as particularly exposed to threats.

In the fall budget, the utility receives a $ 1 million grant in order to increase safety and protect its employees.

– Even if a presenter receives 29 kind emails and one from a madman who writes: “they should shoot him”, you have to take it seriously and investigate it. So resources are required, says Carina Bergfeldt.

The news that Carina Bergfeldt will have her own talk show and Nike Nylander’s acclaimed interview with Jimmie Åkesson noted by SVT’s safety manager, CFO PVerdier’s ether, such as occasions when SVT employees have been exposed to serious threats.

In total, SVT’s security department receives an average of 35 threats per day, which are considered so serious that they need to be investigated further. In the government’s fall budget, SVT receives millions earmarked for increased security and preparedness after the number of threats against employees has risen dramatically in recent years. Several of SVT’s profiles welcome you.

“Almost everyone is good”

“I don’t want to comment on what the security arrangement looks like around me,” writes the host of “Svenska nyheter”. Appelquist by Kristoffer in a text message to Aftonbladet.

According to SVT Director Peter de Verdier, the satire program “Swedish News” has received a lot of threats, even after a series of satirical articles on China and the Chinese regime.

“What I can happily say is that I feel safe and that almost everyone who hears about me behaves well even if they don’t always like what I have said. Does SVT get extra money? Yes, it sounds good, ”writes host Kristoffer Appelquist.

Carina Bergfeldt.


Carina Bergfeldt.

Carina bergfeldt wants to emphasize that he has not received any special threats after SVT announced that he will be hosting his own talk show after the turn of the year.

– I had to call and check if there was any threat that they forgot to tell. But of the 3,000 comments I received yesterday, maybe 5 percent were negative and of the 30 emails, it was one from a madman, he says.

“The fools are there”

Bergfeldt, who before joining SVT worked for ten years as a reporter at Aftonbladet, also says she experienced worse threats during her time at the newspaper.

– But the fools are there. Even if a presenter receives 29 nice emails and one from a madman who writes “they should shoot him”, take it seriously and investigate. So resources are required, she says.

– Then he’s completely ill, he shouldn’t need a bodyguard to do his job. And what happened to Nike is completely unacceptable.

Last saturday he said Nike Nylander on the threats she was exposed to after her interview with the leader of the Swedish Democratic party Jimmie Åkesson in News.

– There were many more personal attacks, more powerful, contemptuous and aggressive than I think there have been before, he said then.

– This is not an individual event, it happens to journalists all the time.

Now Nike Nylander refuses to comment on the government’s move in which SVT gets more money to be able to increase security.


Nike Nylander.

Note more onslaught

According to SVT security manager Peter de Verdier, child presenters who have raised sensitive issues have also faced serious threats. Malin Olsson has been the host of a large number of children’s programs on SVT since 2006, but also programs for a wider audience like “All Friday Sweden” and “Who Lives Here”. He is happy that the threats facing his colleagues are being taken seriously.

“I have not been exposed to direct threats and I do not feel afraid, but I think it is good that they take this kind of thing seriously and increase security where necessary,” she writes in a text message to Aftonbladet.

According to Malin Olsson, social media has increased the influx of presenters.

“I notice that the pops and questions on social media are increasing, it is much easier to express your opinions directly to profiles of us personally rather than contact the editor responsible at SVT,” he writes.


