– We will turn to the moderates and the Christian Democrats, says Nooshi Dadgostar.
The reform, promoted by the Center Party and the Liberals, is estimated to cost nine billion.
– There is money in the lake. The finance minister can’t even say he’s offering a single new job, Dadgostar says.
The united opposition has previously stopped two reforms labeled C. In part, the Swedish Public Employment Service reform, and in part the initial deduction, which were reduced employer contributions for people who were away from the labor market.
The government expects more jobs for young people
According to the budget presented on Monday, the government wants the employer contribution for young people to be drastically reduced for companies. In this way, the government hopes that more young people can keep their jobs.
It is an investment that focuses above all on the industries that have been through the crown crisis the most. But they are also believed to help more young people enter working life.
In total, there are nine billion in 2021 and nine billion in 2022.
– This will be a double profit for the jobs. On the one hand, costs are being drastically reduced for industries that are now going through the hardest time, such as the service sector with commerce and the hospitality industry. The second benefit will be that more young people can keep their jobs and that more young people can find their first job, C leader Annie Lööf previously told DN.
READ MORE: Winners and Losers in the Fall 2020 Budget