The budget: what does it mean?


Today’s section of Ledarredaktionen looks at what seems to be on everyone’s lips: the fall budget, which was presented today by Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson.

The Finance Minister himself describes it with cheerful words: “an S-heart takes a gulp of joy,” he says. It can make anyone pull their ears. But no matter what you think about the content, you probably have to agree with the claims that it is historical. Göran Eriksson, who covers Swedish politics at Svenska Dagbladet, puts it this way: “I’ve covered politics for a long time and I have never seen a budget that has even come close to this magnitude of spending increases and tax cuts. Money is dripping, raining and falling on the country; only one area of ​​spending is dry. “In all, that’s a staggering $ 105 billion in unfunded investments.

So is it good or bad? It depends a bit on who you ask, but you can look at two indicators. Göran Greider was very satisfied, while the leader’s side, Tove Lifvendahl, summed it up as a “no limit casino” policy.

Leader’s side Jesper Sandström talks to Daniel Suhonen, Katalys think tank director, Sanna Rayman, former employee here on the leader’s side and now Althing editor-in-chief, and Jacob Lundberg, group’s acting CEO and chief economist from Timbro experts.

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The budget: what does it mean?
