The rise in the unemployment fund was a measure of the crown crisis that was introduced this spring.
Previously, the basic compensation was a maximum of 365 SEK per day, but now it is 510 SEK per day.
For those with income-based compensation, the daily unemployment insurance fund is a maximum of SEK 1,200, compared to 910 above for the first 100 days.
Continue for another two years
The government now proposes that the crisis rules continue to apply until 2022.
– Yes, they will be extended for another two years, says Magdalena Andersson to Swedish Radio.
The cost of increasing the unemployment insurance fund is estimated at SEK 5.8 billion in 2021 and just under SEK 5 billion in 2022.
However, the changes are temporary and not permanent, despite demands from the unions, LO and TCO.
– We also agree that we will review the unemployment fund in the long term and how it works, and then there is no reason to make these changes permanently when we still have a new system, says Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson.
Presented today
The budget bill for 2021 contains new investments of 105 billion next year and 85 by 2022.
Most of the investments for 2021, 92 billion, have already been submitted.
Investments include SEK 11 billion for climate and environmental measures, SEK 2 billion for improving public transport and SEK 7.5 billion for reducing employer contributions for youth.
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