Ramberg on the budget: “A kind of January two deal” – News (Ekot)


Despite the crown crisis and unemployment, Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson is certainly happier today than when she presented her previous budget. Then the questions were about why high-income people got more than one Social Democratic finance minister. In accordance with the January agreement, Andersson eliminated the defense tax.

This year, you can point to several proposals that benefit people in ordinary or low-income situations. As the unemployment insurance fund continues to strengthen for two years, support for maintenance increases and lower pensions increase.

Even the tax cuts the government reluctantly agreed to donate mainly to low and middle income people. This applies especially to the tax cut which is otherwise similar to the old bourgeois employment tax deduction.

Also record contributions to municipalities and regions, or care, school care, as politicians often prefer to call it, are policies that the government is pleased to highlight as a good distribution policy.

But at the same time, the budget has strong bourgeois elements. The Center Party and Liberals have persuaded the government to invest $ 9 billion in lower employer contributions for youth, a reform the S-MP government once broke because it considers it a waste of a billion.

Here are several important tax cuts for businesses. The reinforced RUT deduction is a favorite of the bourgeoisie, as is the tax on experts and the extension of support for the crisis from the crown to companies. One example is that they also continue to avoid most of the employer contribution when they make their first job.

Investments in law enforcement and defense are other favorites of liberals.

The most spectacular example In the compromise between government policy and bourgeois politics is the temporary cut in taxes on labor income. To construction the same as the deduction of the tax on the work of the alliance but with a lower income profile.

Liberal cooperation parties gleefully talk about the line of work and justice, while Magdalena Andersson has chosen to justify the tax cut as a “crown bonus” for home-based workers who have higher costs. Even defeat may sometimes need to be embellished.

If you add to this the Green Party’s contribution to the budget, including a few tens of billions in various climate initiatives, you can see the budget as a cross between three political lines. A social democrat, a green and a liberal.

The intersection is recognizable by the January agreement. The budget is a kind of January 2 agreement. The January 1 agreement could not provide for the crown and therefore a new chapter was now required. But where JA 1 negotiated with the knife to the neck of the Social Democrats, with major political concessions as a result, the Social Democrats thrive much better under JA 2.

In fact, the four parties included in the budget base, S, MP, L and C, are declared winners in this year’s budget negotiations. It is not as strange as it sounds. With 100 billion in cash, everyone can get bags.
