Party secretary wants to become spokesperson | Aftonbladet


Of: TT


Märta Stenevi was elected at the Green Party congress in 2019 as the new party secretary.

Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT

Märta Stenevi was elected at the Green Party congress in 2019 as the new party secretary.

Green Party party secretary Märta Stenevi says she wants to take over as spokesperson for Isabella Lövin, Swedish radio Ekot reports.

– I think I can contribute with greater confidence in myself. I see that we have done a lot of good during these years, but that we have also been a little anxious, he tells the radio.

Stenevi was elected party secretary last year.

Isabella Lövin will resign as spokesperson for the Green Party at the end of the year and her successor will be named at an additional congress in January 2021.

Previously, Rebecka Le Moine, Biodiversity Party spokesperson, Annika Hirvonen, one of the party’s two group leaders and spokesperson on migration and education issues, and Janine Alm Ericson, Alingsås Member of Parliament and leader of the group, said who stand for election.

