Swedbank is under investigation by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority – DN.SE


The investigation concerns the period from September 20, 2018 to February 20, 2019. According to a press release from the bank, the matter concerns the publication of inside information and the establishment of a list of insiders, in related to the disclosure of alleged money laundering in the company in early 2019.

The bank does not want to comment more precisely on what or what events during the period to which the investigation refers.

– The content of the investigation should be discussed with Finansinspektionen, tells Unni Jerndal, Swedbank press manager to DN.

A list of insiders is a form of listing of people who have or as the party’s inside information about the company and its business, which could have an effect on the price if published.

This is typically set up so that authorities can later verify that no one has benefited from sitting on unpublished information about the company, for example in stock transactions.

Finansinspektionen does not want to comment on the investigation any more than is already stated in the bank’s press release.

– We don’t have much more to say about it, says Peter Svensson, press contact for the authority.

The bank is already in place subject to a criminal investigation into the alleged disclosure of inside information in relation to the money laundering matter that broke out in February 2019. The preliminary investigation is led by the Swedish Environmental Crimes Agency, which notified then-CEO Birgitte Bonnessen suspected of crime.

The EBM investigation, which is still ongoing, was launched on suspicions that arose after DN’s disclosure that the bank informed major shareholders about Uppdrag Granskning’s high-profile money laundering disclosure in advance, before that the rest of the market had access to the information in the program.

This was information that later turned out to slash the share price and the bank’s market capitalization plummeted by roughly 40 billion SEK.
