Last week, the government appointed a national coordinator to work with the University and University Council, UHR, to ensure that university exams can be taken this fall.
The task went to Peter Honeth, who now suggests that a smaller group than usual should write the test. The purpose is to make the testing opportunity more contagious.
According to the proposal, which Ekot has read, it will first be applied to test sites. In that case, registration for the exam will be closed when the limit for the number of examiners at each institution of higher education is reached.
If the proposal becomes a reality, 8,000 people will be allowed to take the test in Stockholm, which is about half the number last year, according to Ekot. As before, only those who do not have a valid test result will be eligible to write the fall test.
The downside of the proposal It is partly that it can be seen as unfair to those who do not get a place, partly the burden on UHR that awaits when the application is opened, the coordinator writes in the proposal.
The country’s universities will give their opinion on the proposal on Thursday morning.
Luleå University of Technology received a fixed limit of 450 participants in the test. Rector Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn sees that the new proposal provides the conditions to be able to complete the university entrance exam in a contagious way.
– With a clear reduction in the number of test participants, we think it feels reassuring. Conditions in Sweden look different, we really haven’t had the same problems during the pandemic. We have said that we can receive a maximum of 500 participants since these are also spread over several different places. That’s about half of what we received last fall.
– But of course there are several challenges in this, including injustice in the “first come, first served” system. But it is up to UHR and the national coordinator to review, says Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.
At Lund University the national coordinator wants to limit the number of test participants to 3,100. Rector Torbjörn von Schantz believes that the sharp reduction contributes to injustice, but will not oppose the proposal.
– There will also be other problems where other university students risk being disturbed when taking other exams at the same time as the university entrance exam. But these are issues that the government and the Riksdag have to deal with, I am not sure about the proposal and I am sorry that it has become a political issue. We will follow the recommendations and the rest is up to UHR to ensure, he says.
The college entrance examination for the fall of 2020 was canceled for the first time because UHR considered that it was not possible to carry out an infection-proof treatment. In connection with the government’s decision to carry out the test, the agency’s managing director, Karin Röding, decided last week to resign.
The test is scheduled for October 25.
Read more: The university entrance exam may be possible this fall
Read more: The coordinator is appointed to complete the university entrance exam