Mouth guards provide better protection than vaccines


On Wednesday, Robert Redfield said that a mask is the main protection against a corona infection.

– I can even go so far as to say that oral protection is a more guaranteed protection for me than a vaccine, because immunity can be only 70 percent and if you don’t get immunity, the vaccines won’t protect me.

– But the mouth guard will, he continued.


During a press conference later Wednesday, a reporter asks how Trump views Redfield’s statement. The president then replies that Robert Redfield was “confused” during the interview and therefore answered “wrong.”

– When I called Robert today, I said “What about the mouth guard?” He replied, “I think I answered the question incorrectly,” Trump said.

Although the president has repeatedly stated that the corona vaccine is close, Redfield believes that Americans can expect a vaccine by the end of next year.

– We will be able to distribute at least 100 million doses of vaccines by the end of 2020 and a large number much earlier. Under no circumstances will it happen as late as the doctor says, Trump continues.

Hear from the head of infection control:

Watch the video with Dr. Redfield.

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