Apple discounts a middle finger to Spotify, but so the CEO can rest assured


The last six months have Apple application developers have seen them resort to. Developers who from their perspective must thank the Iphone for most of its success.

Who left the first stone, we left it unsaid, but Spotify They were the ones who got the European Commission to launch two investigations against Apple. Epic Games followed suit and led Apple to a lawsuit.

Obviously, behind Apple’s polished surface is a combat unit. It’s hard to interpret the launch of the Apple One, right now, as anything more than a middle finger to those who have opinions on how Apple conducts its business.

In any case, this is how Spotify interpreted the situation, and a quarter of an hour after the presentation, the company had a statement ready on how Apple returns to act to stop competition.

It’s part of their relationship today, that kind of comment.

It’s clear that Apple has considered bundling its services to create added value. That they haven’t done it before is quite strange. According to Di Digital sources, this kind of conversation has been taking place at the highest level within Apple since 2015, when Apple Music was released.

But is Spotify really afraid of losing customers to one from Apple? It is probably “one” in such cases.

Even investors don’t seem to think Spotify is bad. The shares fell a measly 0.26 percent on Tuesday.

Read more: Competitive Expert: Spotify and Epic Games have a high chance of beating Apple

“Packaging” is a popular concept in the United States, but a word that only a few years ago had a negative connotation.

It always starts out as a way for people to save money, but time often shows that packages come with a blocking effect and after a few years the customer doesn’t understand why they are paying for services that are never used.

Because a package is never better than the products it contains, and Spotify knows it.

We saw the will to choose outweigh the advantage of packages around the 2010s, when Americans attacked the tech giants and their packages. Then, to avoid paying for broadband, home telephony and cable television with more than 200 channels. They wanted fiber from another provider, a maximum of five TV channels, and the rest of the money to spend on Netflix.

But that was then and now is now. The time has come for a new era of packages.

Choosing freely is, of course, the best there is, but in the same way that we’ve come to realize that Spotify without playlists is just a paralyzing amount of music, many have started demanding no-choice services. so much.

The famous Amazon Prime is probably the most successful package in the world. In the United States, more than 80 percent of households have Prime, which is more than those who voted in the 2016 presidential election, as Andreas Cervenka of Di said: last week.

In Amazon’s case, the package includes free e-commerce shipping, a video streaming service, grocery discounts from Whole foods, e-books, and some cloud storage.

Add Amazon Music, a Spotify challenger, and Audible, an audiobook service, not included in Prime.

In its basic offering, Apple one will offer the Icloud cloud service, Apple music, Apple tv + and the Apple arcade gaming platform for SEK 155 and SEK 199 for families of up to five people.

It is not stupid at all, smart to make more people pay more and to make the services of the commercial area even more profitable for Apple.

But who would replace Spotify?

To be worth bundling together, you must already be a customer of at least one of Apple’s services and be about to pay for two.

The most likely scenario is that in such cases, you have storage via Icloud and pay SEK 29 per month for 200 gigabytes. Then?

If you already have Apple Music, then you are not yet a Spotify customer.

Apple tv +? So far, hardly anyone is paying for it, as the streaming service is bundled within a year with most of Apple’s new hardware. And Apple tv + is a typical “nice to have” service that you can easily cancel and reorder, depending on the series you are currently following.

The Apple arcade gaming platform? No I dont think so.

In other words, Netflix, Spotify, and other streaming services that think Apple is smothering them have little to fear in Apple One. It’s for a target audience that is already giving Apple their money. And who knows, in a few years they may want to choose freely again.
