Green Party spokespersons Per Bolund and Isabella Lövin presented investments in social sustainability of more than SEK 1 billion for this year and next at a press conference.
– These are reforms that reduce child poverty, provide better welfare conditions and reduce segregation, says Per Bolund.
You want to promote a sustainable working life
SEK 300 million is set aside to promote a sustainable working life in healthcare in 2021. In order to improve the working environment in healthcare, the government is investing in a special sustainability bonus that can be used, for example, to develop new models of working time.
– This year, many of us have praised the care staff as heroes. Now we must also ensure that these heroes are willing and have the strength to remain in their vital professions, says Isabella Lövin.
The Green Party also wants to invest SEK 250 million in social initiatives in vulnerable areas next year.
Increase in appropriations for housing allowance
They also want to increase child support support for children of single parents. For children aged 15 and over, an increase of SEK 150 per child per month is proposed. For children under the age of 15, the figure must be SEK 100 per child per month.
– Child poverty is a shame that we must continue to work with every day. It is a precise way to increase social justice and gender equality in society, especially in crisis situations, says Per Bolund.
In addition, the Green Party proposes that the allocation for the housing allowance be increased by 531 million SEK for the current year.