Are you thinking of studying in the spring? You should invest in becoming a midwife, civil engineer, or preschool teacher. It is the professions that top the list of the Swedish Public Employment Service of those offering the best employment opportunities.

Jobs in the health sector are highly valued when the Swedish Public Employment Service lists the occupations with the greatest job opportunities. Stock Photography.
There is already a labor shortage in the health and education sectors, and demand is expected to remain high for the next five years. When the Swedish Public Employment Service lists the university-level occupations with the highest chances of landing a job this year and five years from now, it’s no wonder such occupations are at the top. IT and systems development jobs are also in high demand.
Newly graduated midwives have the best chances of getting a job, followed by civil engineers, preschool teachers, nurses and doctors. Stiffer competition is expected for bank employees, real estate agents, financial analysts, photographers and graphic designers.
“It is important to create a good image of what awaits you after completing your education. An education that leads to a clear profession often makes it easier to get a job, “says Fredrik Mörtberg, a labor market analyst at the Swedish Public Employment Service, in a press release.
The TRR Safety Council, which supports laid off salaried employees, has also looked at which industries are in the highest demand right now. The industry that employs the most salaried employees during the period from March to August of this year is the public sector, followed by commerce and sales, IT, construction and civil engineering, and services and services.
Most salaried employees found jobs as salespeople, project managers, or consultants in, for example, IT, technology, chemical, or pharmaceuticals during the period according to TRR.
Professions at the university level with greater job opportunities
Master of Science in Engineering
Preschool teacher
Undergraduate nurses
Teaching professions
Software and systems developer
Specialized nurses
Special Teachers and Special Educators
Systems Analysts and IT Architects
Source: Arbetsförmedlingen