Emma Igelström dreams of Mount Everest – it costs 300,000


Emma Igelström has been through difficult times in recent years. In March 2019, she told Instagram that she had suffered from uterine tumors, something she learned after having been in terrible pain for seven months.

– I have now undergone two operations for tumors in the uterus. Of course I am very happy that everything went well with my body and that I feel good for now. I have become humbled by life. It has given me the strength to focus on the right things, says Emma Igelström.

After undergoing surgery to remove the tumors, the former world swimming champion has set herself an exciting goal: She will scale the world’s highest mountain, the 8,848-meter Mount Everest in Nepal.

Emma Igelström in “The Dream Trap”: “My Bicycle Trap”

But climbing the mountain is not a cheap story. Igelström needs SEK 300,000 to be able to fulfill his dream. To achieve this, he enlists the help of Magnus Hedberg in “Drömfällan”.

Emma Igelström with presenter Magnus Hedberg.Photo: TV3
Emma Igelström’s bike is worth SEK 100,000.Photo: TV3

The host quickly realizes that there are many things Emma Igelström can save money on: take out food, coffee in a cafeteria, clothes and makeup.

– Those little purchases you make every day that you think are not large sums, but in the long run will be a lot of money, says Hedberg on the show.

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Emma Igelström can climb Everest in two years

Igelström proves that he spends a lot of money on sports equipment and maintains a pair of cycling shoes worth more than 5,000 SEK and a pair of cycling wheels worth more than 20,000 SEK. She also has a lot that she doesn’t use and can sell.

– This is my bike trap. It is worth more than 100,000 crowns, says Emma Igelström when showing off her bike.

Hedberg realizes that Igelström has room to save SEK 12,500 per month, something that would allow him to climb Mount Everest in February 2022, just two years after the recording.

– It is possible to save you SEK 12,500 per month. It’s a lot of money, but you can still have a good life.

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