The mother: Försäkringskassan will be responsible for the death of Linnaeus


Critical mother after her daughter’s suicide

Of: Katarina Arnstad Elmblad


On Saturday, February 8, Linnaeus, 22, could no longer bear it. She chose to kill herself.

The trigger was, according to mother Anneli Hagström, 57, that the Swedish Social Security Agency rejected her compensation for activity.

– I am disappointed with the Swedish Social Security Agency, which I think must be held accountable because my daughter is no longer alive, she says.

Linnaeus’ childhood was marked by bullying, both physical and mental.

– The bullying was the result of Linnéa, who was incredibly kind and protective, she saw as her task to care and protect others who felt bad, says her mother Anneli Hagström.

To get away from bullies, Linnaeus switched schools several times, but it wasn’t until the beginning of high school that the bullying lessened.

But Linnaeus had already suffered so much damage from being constantly crocheted that he suffered from anxiety and had a hard time getting to school.

– We took her to BUP, but no one wanted to take responsibility for Linnaeus’ condition. They couldn’t even diagnose her, says Anneli, who Ivo informed the psychiatric clinic that Linnaeus took over.

Run a dog daycare

Mother Anneli, like Linnaeus’ siblings, criticizes the fact that there was no relative support from psychiatry.

Later, Linnaeus was diagnosed with bipolar type 2.

Anneli Hagström shows a photo of her daughter Linnéa.


Anneli Hagström shows a photo of her daughter Linnéa.

Linnaeus graduated from high school with incomplete grades and was unable to apply for high school. For a time she worked with horses and ran a daycare for dogs. Due to her mental illness, she was unable to accept any work.

– I was crazy about animals and nature, says Anneli.

“I did not receive any help”

Financially, Linnaeus was held in the arms of his parents.

– She wanted to fend for herself, but did not get help from social services and then when she applied for activity compensation from the Swedish Social Security Agency, she also became a nob. Then she couldn’t take it anymore, says Anneli.


Linnaeus was 22 years old.

Linnaeus had attempted suicide a year and a half earlier.

– It was a cry for help, says Anneli.

No one in the family, not Linnaeus’ parents or three older brothers, suspected that the sister was feeling so bad.

– On the contrary, we had the impression that he felt a little better, says the mother.

The friend felt trouble

That Saturday in February, it was one of Linnaeus’s best friends who felt trouble. She had tried to contact her friend without success.

– Then Linnaeus’ brother went home to Linnaeus, but unfortunately she was not rescued. Of course, this was a great trauma for the brother who was very close to Linnaeus, says Anneli.

On the door was a note on which Linnaeus drew a broken heart and wrote the words “I’m sorry.”


After Linnaeus’ suicide, the family started a fundraiser for the Suicide Zero organization.

After the Swedish Social Security Agency denied Linnaeus compensation for activity, the decision was appealed to the administrative court, which went against the Swedish Social Security Agency and awarded him compensation. But then Linnaeus was already dead.

Have you heard from Linnaeus’s administrator at the Swedish Social Security Agency after he committed suicide?

– No, not a word. The only response we’ve received is a retroactive payment of your activity compensation, says Anneli.

Linnaeus dreamed of moving to the country and above all he wanted to settle in Dalarna, where he could have animals and a kennel for dogs.

But that did not happen.

Collect money

After Linnaeus’ suicide, the family started a fundraiser for the Suicide Zero organization.

– We have collected more than 25,000 crowns so far, which is great, says Anneli.

FK communications director Sten Eriksson cannot comment on the individual case, but says in a written comment:

“It is extremely tragic when a person takes their own life. In general, we know and understand that many are disappointed with social security and our application. There is a big difference between how people would like it to work and what the regulations say. it should happen. “

Note: The Facebook group “Försäkringskassanupproret” plans to hold a demonstration dedicated to Linnaeus in Stockholm later this fall. The group also proposes that a “lex Linnéa” be introduced so that no one has to take their own life due to FK’s decision.


“When he applied for activity compensation from the Swedish Social Security Agency, he also became a nob. Then he couldn’t take it anymore ”, says the mother.


