Businesses in China mapped over 1,000 Swedes, now the information has been leaked


Australian ABC News reports that there is information on high-ranking politicians, as well as celebrities and criminals in the database produced by the company Zhenhua Data. British The Telegraph writes that there are posts about, among others, Prime Minister Boris Johnson and members of the royal family.

The database also contains information on more than 1,000 Swedes, including Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (S), Nyamko Sabuni (L), former ministers Pär Nuder (S) and Leif Pagrotsky (S), as well as other influencers. such as business leader Jacob Wallenberg, according to information Swedish newspaper have participated in.

King Carl Gustaf is also included in the database, but there is no other information about him other than his name, writes SvD.

The survey of Swedes appears to consist mainly of public information, such as links to images and links to the government website.

People with influence

The material was leaked to the American Christopher Balding, professor of economics at Fulbright University in Vietnam, about six months ago, since then the cybersecurity company Internet 2.0 has worked on rebuilding the database.

– The Chinese company has mainly collected material about people with military connections and people with political influence, as well as their families, Internet 2.0 co-founder David Robinson tells SvD.

Created for sale

The Chinese company Zhenhua Data is private, but according to Robinson it has connections with the Chinese state.

– The company appears to have created the database to sell to China’s military and intelligence services.

However, much of the information in the database comes from open sources such as social media, but banking information and job applications are also presented.

Professor Christopher Balding worked until two years ago at Beijing University before leaving China, citing fears for his own safety.
