Did you just buy the best fall fashion?
Then you can leave the clothes in the shopping bag, because now the last traces of summer arrive.
– Some places will have a temperature well above normal in the coming days, says Sofia Söderberg of SMHI.
Much of Sweden can once again enjoy the sun and heat. It is mainly in the southern and eastern parts of the country that they will be able to emit gases under bright sun and intense heat, before autumn is just around the corner.
Over 25 degrees in Malmö
On Monday, a heat wave will enter Sweden, which will last until Wednesday, where temperatures will rise well above normal. In Malmö it seems to be more than 25 degrees and in Stockholm something more than 20.
Can it be one last dip of summer?
– They are high temperatures to be a little into September, normally temperatures are around 15 degrees maximum, says Sofia Söderberg.
Parts of Norrland already have fall
Even if the heat returns for a few days, autumn is not far off. For it to take off, the daily average temperature is required to be below ten degrees for five consecutive days.
– Autumn has already arrived in parts of Norrland, we now have hot days in the southern parts from Monday to Wednesday, but then it returns to a more normal situation. I’d say fall comes early October.
Photo: Michael Probst / TT
Autumn is coming soon.
Are these the last we see of the summer?
– In our ten-day forecast, it looks like this, but it is not impossible that there will be another heat wave around the “British summer”, on October 7, when Sweden has historically had many warm periods.
However, the hot days to come in the future are not something that Sofia Söderberg believes will affect the weather during the fall and winter.
– The meteorological autumn is not too late yet, so we do not believe that this heat wave will affect. Temperatures are higher and later than normal, but such connections are not possible.
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