It was on Friday night that the police were alerted to a large crowd at Byttorp IF in Borås. It was about the resetting of upper secondary schools and, according to the police, some 1,000 young people had gathered.
– There were an incredible amount of people and they were still flocking when we arrived. It was a resetting party with more than 1,000 participants, it was believed in the place.
In addition, he says it was the parent volunteers who raised the alarm when the party began to degenerate with drunkenness and rocket fire.
– We stopped and checked both people and cars. The helicopter was up, so he flew there too and checked the situation from above.
“Rockets fired into the crowd”
In a Facebook message, Sjuhäradspolisen writes that it was very true that around 1,000 young people gathered and that they had to call additional resources from Gothenburg to the area to support the local police.
“There were also helicopters at the scene to monitor the incident, where, among other things, rockets were fired into the crowd and there was a lot of traffic that required routing.”the police write in the mail.
The infection control doctor has warned
The Västra Götaland region infection control doctor Thomas Wahlberg came out before school started and warned about the zeroing and start-up parties.
– I think you should bear in mind that this virus is present in society and that we can all become infected and that we can all transmit it to others. This is why it is so extremely important that you be really careful and cautious not to spread the infection. He keeps his distance and takes care of his hygiene. Kick-ins, zeros are getting closer and it’s important to think about the pandemic and keep your distance, Thomas Wahlberg said at the time.
The police judged that the situation was calm again at 10 pm on Friday night. A 17-year-old man was treated on the spot and handed over to social services. Otherwise, no reports were produced.
The infection control doctor’s warning before fall.