Pauline Harmange’s book “I hate men” sparks debate in France


Her writing debut creates a great sensation in France. The political and literary debate is raging, and a ministerial adviser demands that the book be withdrawn.

Pauline Harmange, 25, published her book of essays “I hate men” in the middle of the holiday month of August.

The 96-page publication would certainly have gone unnoticed if Ralph Zurmély, an expert at the French Ministry of Gender Equality, had not threatened to prosecute if the publisher did not withdraw the book, because it is a crime to incite gender hatred.

Surprised by the shock

The author is amazed at the great uproar that broke out.

– I did not expect this. That’s a big surprise. This is the first time I have published a book, says Pauline Harmange to the British Guardian.

– I am married to a fantastic man who really supports my writing. But I’m generally suspicious of men I don’t know, he says.

She explains that her distrust of men does not come from personal experience, but is based on her many years of participation as an activist in a feminist group, which helps victims of rape and sexual abuse.

“Exceptions for some men”

– If we are heterosexual, we are encouraged to like men. But we should absolutely have the right not to like them … I firmly believe that we should be able not to love them as a whole, but to make exceptions for certain men, says Pauline Harmange.

Government adviser Ralph Zurmély reacted indignantly. He wrote a tough letter to the editor:

“The book is obviously a tribute to male hatred … I want to remind you that it is criminal to incite gender hatred! I therefore request that you remove this book immediately, otherwise this will be prosecuted.”

Just read the title

The French Ministry of Gender Equality explains that Zurmély acted on his own initiative and that he only read the title and the presentation of the book by the publisher.

– I’m surprised. The man works for the Ministry of Equality between Men and Women, whose task is to do something about sexual abuse and rape. It’s outrageous that he is more eager to censor a little feminist book than to do his job, Pauline Harmange told The Guardian.

The intervention of the Government Counselor led to the rapid sale of the first editions of a total of 2,500 books. That’s a lot for a small essay book – the author expected to sell a maximum of a few hundred copies to friends and readers of his blog.

“Manshat has never killed”

The small publisher Monstrograph, which claims to be a “micro-publishing” run by voluntary forces, cannot keep up with the huge demand. So now a larger commercial publisher is expected to print more issues.

Pauline Harmange cites in the book’s statistics that 96 percent of all those convicted of domestic abuse are men, as well as 99 percent of all those convicted of sexual violence.

“Hatred of man exists only as a reaction to misogyny, which is the root of systemic violence … Hatred of man has never killed anyone”says in the book “I hate men”.

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