Something very special is known to have happened when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Trump met for the first time, in Bethlehem in May 2017. Trump is said to have branded Abbas a “liar” and a “terrorist” and soon after began strangling. To united states. aid programs for the Palestinians.
Woodward, known for his efforts while reporting on the Watergate scandal, and for a series of initiated books on the backstage game in Washington, now believes he can explain why America’s total break with the Palestinians occurred. . During Trump’s first visit to Israel in the spring of 2017, Netanyahu showed him a video in which Abbas incites against Israel and appears to recommend the murder of Israeli children, writes the British newspaper Independent, which read an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Rage “. Trump called Secretary of State Rex Tillerson: “You have to see this!” When the sequence was repeated, Netanyahu said, “And this guy, you want to help?”
When Netanyahu left the room Tillerson told Trump:
– Mr President, don’t you realize that the video is a fake?
– No, it is not manufactured. They have a recording where it says that, Trump replied.
The next day, Trump met with Abbas in Bethlehem and scolded him. For the remainder of Trump’s term, he closed the Palestinian embassy in Washington, recognized Arab Jerusalem as part of Israel’s capital, withdrew aid to the refugee agency UNRWA, humanitarian aid through the USID aid agency, and aid to Palestinian security forces, measures that toppled the Palestinian economy. Acute and permanent crisis. Joe Biden has promised to resume aid if he becomes president.
Read more:
Nathan Shachar: Trump is unaware of all the minefields of the Palestinian question