Vabba or not – it’s about


It can be difficult to judge whether a child is sick enough to have to stay home from preschool, and it can be even more difficult in cold and crown times like these. So what does it really matter?

If a child is playing outside and in the meantime gets a little bratty, so that when a child can get rid of the healthy weather, the child does not have to stay home, according to Karin Tegmark Wisell of the Public Health Agency . Stock Photography.Image: Fredrik Sandberg / TT

According to Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of department at the Swedish Public Health Agency, gray areas can easily emerge.

– It can be difficult to assess whether or not a child is getting sick or healthy enough after a cold. If the child is hanging and seems sick, it is better to be home if you are not sure, she tells TT.

If a child is playing outside, and in the meantime he gets a little bratty, so that when a child can get rid of the healthy weather, the child does not have to stay at home.

But if, on the other hand, a child falls ill with a common cold or other infection and snores, coughs, or has a fever, then he should be at home, even if the child occasionally seems alert and plays. The child should return to preschool only after two asymptomatic days at home, according to the national recommendations of the Public Health Agency.

If the child does not get that sick, but has only mild symptoms, but still appears to be ill, he should also stay home. Even in such a scenario, there are two asymptomatic days at home that apply before it is possible to return to preschool.

If the child, after a severe cold or after being at home with milder symptoms, has regained his normal energy, then he can return to preschool seven days after the illness, even if the child still has mild symptoms such as a runny nose. , the so-called residual symptoms.

Karin Tegmark Wisell emphasizes that these recommendations are general for the entire country, but that there may be regional guidelines.

– There may be many different situations where the region has additional directives. For example, if there are reasons for children who have had a cold to stay home more than two days asymptomatic due to widespread spread of infection, or to decide that certain schools should be prioritized for testing, she says.
