Criticism after clan statement: “Don’t be prepared for this at all”


It was in connection with Ekot’s “Saturday interview” that Mats Löfving, deputy chief of the national police, said that there are 40 family-based criminal networks in Sweden.

– These clans have come to Sweden solely for the purpose of organizing and systematizing crime. They work to generate power, they have a great capacity for violence and they want to earn money. And they do it with drug crimes, violent crimes, extortion, he said then.

The statement has had a direct impact on the debate, at the same time that it has attracted a lot of attention within the police force.

Internal criticism after Mats Löfving’s clan declaration

According to Ekot, the reasoning about the clans in several of the seven police regions of the country is questioned.

– We have many parts of these genres that work quite normally. That they are even dentists and policemen. It is easy for oneself to say that it is a clan, says Patrik Andersson, section chief of the intelligence unit in the Southern Region, on the radio channel.

Jens Ahlstrand, acting head of the intelligence unit in the Western Police Region, for similar reasoning.

– The fact that it has its roots in a clan-based culture, is not automatically a criminal, for one thing. On the other hand, we have clans in Sweden that are largely dedicated to crime, but that does not mean that all members of this family dedicate themselves to being active criminals.

“You weren’t prepared for this at all”

DN reports that many within the police authority were “put to bed” by Löfving’s statement. The state of mind within the authority is described as “slightly panicked”, while some consider it “liberating” that the image of the problem is retaken.

– They were not entirely prepared for this and do not know how to communicate what applies to the networks here, a source from the Stockholm Region tells the newspaper.

READ MORE: The Chief of Police: “40 family-based criminal networks in Sweden”
READ MORE: Clash of S and M: in a debate on gang violence
READ MORE: Police: clans threaten the system