Investigators’ harsh criticism of the work of police gangs – Aftonbladet Daily


PODD “Are there major deficiencies?”

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Of: Jenny Ågren


There has been a lot of talk for a long time about gang crime, shootings and explosions that are increasing across the country. Police in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm are under heavy pressure to arrest the gangs.

Last year, Operation Rimfrost was introduced, an operation in which the police would try to access gangs, carry out more raids and arrest more people. In the media, the operation has been portrayed as successful and successful. But actually, that is not true. Police investigators Stefan Holgersson and Johannes Knutsson have examined the work of the police and their report shows significant shortcomings in the work of the police.

How is it that the police report a wrong picture of reality, and what must the police do to actually gain access to gang crime? We address this in this episode of Aftonbladet Daily.

The guest is Johannes Knutsson, professor of police investigation, the host is Jenny Ågren.
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Aftonbladet Daily is a daily podcast that summarizes and delves into current news and contemporary phenomena. Every day of the week, we interview experts and journalists to provide a slightly larger picture of the news dominating the flow.

Episodes are released at 04:00 every morning and you can subscribe to all podcast apps like Podcaster, Spotify or Acast. If you follow Aftonbladet on your smart speaker, you can also get Aftonbladet Daily directly from your news feed. Aftonbladet Daily is made by Marcus Ulvsand and Jenny Ågren.

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