Finland opens up: Swedes avoid quarantine


Finland’s restrictions will be eased so that more countries can enter without being quarantined. According to the new regulations, travelers do not have to isolate themselves if they come from countries with a maximum of 25 infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

Previously, the limit was a maximum of eight infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

“Important for Finland”

The new rules apply from next Saturday. Then it will be free for Swedes, among others, to travel without quarantine requirements.

“This is important for Finland in terms of business travel and also a big problem for Finnair, which is now in a different competitive situation than other European airlines,” Trade and Industry Minister Mika Lintilä told a conference of press on Thursday, according to Yle.

The formal decision on the rule changes is expected at a press conference tomorrow Friday.

Similar decisions in the UK

The UK also announced on Thursday that the Swedes will avoid quarantine in the future. Previously, the requirement was for incoming Swedes to isolate themselves for 14 days, which was also the requirement in Finland.

The state epidemiologist on the situation of the crown in Sweden.

READ MORE: Swedes avoid quarantine in the UK
READ MORE: Therefore, the Germans have turned negative towards Sweden.
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