5 billion in support for the self-employed


– Now, finally, there is support based on invoicing for entrepreneurs who have a sole proprietorship. This means that artisans, hairdressers, freelancers, photographers and others will now be supported for lost income just like all other entrepreneurs, says Annie Lööf, leader of the Center Party.

There is already support for companies affected by the economic crisis as a result of the pandemic, such as support for adjustment. However, the January parties believe that this support does not work for everyone with a sole proprietorship. Therefore, they now want to introduce a new form of support for individual traders.

Not everyone has been covered

The aid is estimated to cost SEK 5 billion this year and next year, SEK 3.5 billion this year and SEK 1.5 billion next. The first part of the money will be included in an additional amending budget and the last part in next year’s budget. The plan is for the support to be ready from mid-October.

– There have been various parts of short-term layoffs and adjustment support which have meant that many individual companies have not been covered. Now they receive personal support directly to obtain compensation for the loss of income they had during the spring, says Annie Lööf.

The new bracket is designed very similar to the tuning bracket that already exists for businesses. The support will provide compensation for lost income for five months, from March to July of this year. The support is 75 percent of what has been lost in sales compared to the same period in 2019, and the maximum compensation per company is 120,000 SEK.

No dividend limitation

Support should be given to individual traders whose annual turnover exceeds SEK 200,000 and where the loss of turnover compared to 2019 is at least 30% for March-April, 40% for May and 50% % for June-July. Unlike adjustment support, there is no cap on dividends.

– For many entrepreneurs who have a sole proprietorship, the profit is what they get as their own salary. For that reason, the dividend ban has been lifted, says Annie Lööf.
