Löfven’s turn on immigration and crime | News


In November last year, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven received harsh criticism after he, in an interview on SVT’s “Agenda”, said that they could not link the vast immigration to Sweden with gang crime in the country.

He said it had been the same situation despite the fact that Sweden had not received refugees in recent decades.

– If the economic gaps and social injustices had been the same, answer yes, that is my final opinion, said Löfven in the “Agenda” interview.

On Monday, Stefan Löfven said on Expressen TV that he does not want to link gang crime in Sweden and ethnicity, but at the same time said:

– If it is the case that you come here for it (to commit a crime, editor’s note), then obviously it is. But it is not the case that 40 clans have come here in recent years to commit crimes in Sweden. Many have probably been here for a long time and then they have also experienced this difference, the inequality that we have in our country.

And in SVT’s “Aktuellt” on Wednesday, the Prime Minister says:

– If you have a migration that means in the order of magnitude that you cannot cope with integration then it will be that we have social tensions in a society and that is not good.

Löfven: We have had too much migration

Host Anders Holmberg asks: Have we had it?

– Yes, we have. That is why the government I lead has made sure to change immigration policy, responds the Prime Minister.

Holmberg asks: Have we had such a large migration that it has caused an increase in crime?

– We have had such a migration, which means we did not manage the integration well enough. If there are not enough people coming to work from adults, then children see that adults are not working and then you might think that it is normal and other social tensions, and yes, it is a problem.

See also: Löfven opens for a new census

Stefan Löfven (S) opens for a new census in Sweden.
