Here the opposition sees the opportunity to access it.
Of course, the crisis of the crown will also dominate the political autumn.
But law and order may navigate with new intensity when politics resumes after the silence of summer. It can be sweaty for Löfven.
Today the King opens the Riksdag after the summer holidays, a new parliamentary year begins. At the same time, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is reading the government’s statement, a work program for the next twelve months.
But it will be, like so many other things, not as usual. Of the royal family, only the king and queen are present. The benches have 130 out of 359 members, 60 can be seated in the stands. The rest can watch television.
The guests, most of them from the diplomatic corps, are few. The big meeting is canceled after the ceremonies at the house.
That with Security can tell whether the political downfall is to be dominated by the international crisis of the crown. The economic aspects of the crisis, as well as those of health, will continue to be the most important in Swedish politics. At that point, we are no different from other affected countries.
Arguably, they are heavier for a small export-dependent country like Sweden, which is more dependent on international demand and trade than most other countries.
Lena Mellin: The political autumn can be sweaty for Stefan Löfven.
But a question the one that is underway is crime and punishment. Interest in it waned during the crown spring, but is now rising again. The reasons are, among other things, the fatal shooting of the 12-year-old girl in the Stockholm area, the roadblocks set up by criminal gangs in Gothenburg and the presence of some 40 criminal clans where the whole family is involved in the crime. .
This can be a difficult issue for the government. Not only because it is home to the two largest opposition parties, the moderates and the Swedish democrats. But also because the coalition partners Miljöpartiet and Socialdemokraterna have different views on how the problem should be tackled. More or less simplified, the Social Democrats are in favor of the baton, while the Greens want to invest in preventive measures.
On the one hand, there are a number of possible reasons why crime and punishment may once again be high on the voters’ top issues. Partly because they think so, partly because parts of the opposition will not allow voters to forget it.
A fourth questionWhat is not a matter of fact, but can still carry great weight, is that Jonas Sjöstedt resigns from the leadership of the Left Party after eight years. His successor will be elected at a congress at the end of October and November.
Sjöstedt is a highly skilled opposition politician who has managed to unite the opposition from the left and right against the government and its parties on several occasions over the past year. Since these four parties, M, KD, SD and V, have more seats in the Riksdag than the four that cooperate in the state budget, they have been run over several times. Some of the damage has been painful.
Sjöstedt’s successor does not seem likely in a short time to become an equally politically driven opposition politician as his representative. It takes a few years of training before that.
This means that the government, and therefore Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S), will have an easier journey than they would have otherwise. The opposition, regardless of what Ulf Kristersson (M) thinks and thinks, will become more docile without Sjöstedt.
But in fact Perhaps none of what I just listed is the hottest or most interesting question of the fall. What happens is a tendency to emerge out of nowhere without anyone preparing.
Regardless, the opposition currently has about 58 percent of voters behind, according to the Aftonbladet / Demoskop voter barometer. Support for the government and its coalition parties, the Center Party and the Liberals, is just over 41. The government is therefore below. In an activity where energy and future energy are important components, it is a factor that weighs a lot, more than most people think.
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