The government extends the deduction of the abolished qualification period – DN.SE


Following an agreement between the government, the Center Party and the Liberals, the deduction for the canceled qualification period will be extended for the remainder of the year. So does the waived requirement for a medical certificate for the first two weeks.

In addition, employers will be compensated for the portion of the cost of sick pay that exceeds normal, the government writes in a press release. It will also be possible to receive a temporary parental benefit if schools must close.

Government measures in the area of ​​health insurance it is expected to cost SEK 3.9 billion.

The aim of the measures is to reduce the spread of infection and the burden on healthcare, while at the same time increasing financial security.

“People who have very small economic margins have the opportunity to be at home when they feel symptoms,” says Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (s) in the comment.

The qualification period deduction was taken eliminated in March as a temporary crisis measure. The idea was for the deduction to return to normal in September, but as the crown pandemic continues, the government with supporting parties chooses to extend the measure.

Completely eliminating the qualification period deduction in the future is not among the government’s plans, says the Minister of Finance.
