Norway suddenly introduced an incomprehensible form of rules


Hyland climbed on the laps of success and then went to Oslo, climbed Holmenkollen and in front of a large press contingent raised the Norwegian flag and raised the Swedish one. On Norwegian live television, Hyland told the Norwegian people: “Right now, the Swedish flag is being hoisted at Holmenkollenbacken. It will not be transported until it has broken our Swedish record. ”

The Norwegians itched, of course, they went crazy because their sacred land was polluted by Swedes and in no time the Swedish record was gone. That was the case then, and it has continued to be so among our countries. We relate, we compete for everything, we love and hate each other, like two brothers with absent parents. This hate love has probably always been very nice and funny. We have stories from Norway and they have stories from Sweden. We joke that the course is called guleböj in Norwegian and they joke that we are their cheap labor. But when it comes to the crisis, of course, we are closer to each other than anyone else. Basically, we are going to die for each other if that’s the case.

But the question is whether the Corona situation is not creating something else between the countries. There are small signs that the hatred of love has turned into a real irritation that is slowly turning into something even worse. And it was not at the grassroots level that this commotion began, but at the government level. Small back-and-forth stab wounds between the countries’ public health authorities. More people died in Sweden than in Norway, but Johan Giesecke sat and looked at Aktuellt and said that when this was over, the death toll in Norway would be as large as Sweden’s. Norges Tegnell, called Frode Forland, got angry and demanded that the Swedish public health authorities “should be more humble”.

And ever since, during the pandemic, they’ve been making little hints across the border that their country has made the right decision and that the other country will have a dark time ahead.

This new level of conflict between countries probably became popular only when Norway began to exclude us from their country. Suddenly, they introduced an incomprehensible form of quarantine rules, where only certain parts of Sweden were welcome. It got more complicated when they constantly updated the list, added and subtracted, entry ban for Norrbotten, but Gästrikland is accepted, Uppland is not, but now Eastern Goths are welcome! New offers all the time, super complicated and bordering on arbitrariness – a system that really only meant that the Swedish regions they tested were frequently ported.

And there we were on opposite sides of the pandemic. A country that closed everything and a country that was open. A country where people got sick and many died, a country that was barely touched by the pandemic. Until now. As the infection in Sweden slowly descends towards the zero line, it begins to move into neighboring countries. And on Saturday the message came: there are now more people infected per day by the Corona virus in Norway than in Sweden. The number of new cases per day is 15.2 per million inhabitants in Norway and in Sweden the figure is 13.2. Norway has therefore changed. And strangest of all: Norway continues despite its no-entry raffle, announcing new regions that are not allowed, others that are now welcome. Logically, given the latest figures and if the enthusiastic policy is to be complied with, the Norwegian authorities should issue an entry ban to Norway for Norwegians. Their infection rates are not good enough in the country.

Sweden continues to keep its borders open and I hope that the Norwegians will soon change their minds. I think we need each other, Norwegians and Swedes. We look so sick. Can’t we be together? We can keep our distance, but we don’t want to lose you completely.
