Strong reactions to the 200 second review
Of: Lindah C Mohlin, Robert Aschberg
In ICA stores, the strawberries sold for more than SEK 70 per liter.
But the berry pickers could earn less than SEK 12 an hour, and in some cases they even went back to summer work.
Now both the Kommunal union and one of the ICA stores that sold the strawberries are reacting.
– If it turns out to be true, we don’t want to be behind him at all, says Johan Kristiansson, Ica Maxi store manager in Alingsås.
Aftonbladet and Viafree’s 200-second program examined Abraham Hill in Skåne, one of the largest strawberry producers in the country.
The strawberries have been sold through wholesalers to, among others, stores in Ica.
“I was less”
Several employees now testify to long working hours, irregular hours and poorly paid.
One person who was interviewed for 200 seconds even went back to summer job.
– After ten days, I stayed there with 694 SEK, which means I went less after travel expenses and deductions for food and accommodation, says the former employee.
Photograph: Tomas Oneborg / SvD / TT NYHETSBYRÅN
Is not left behind
ICA Maxi in Alingsås is one of the stores that sells Abraham Hill strawberries. The store manager, Johan Kristiansson, criticizes the poor working conditions.
– I buy my strawberries from an ICA certified supplier. If this turns out to be true, I will put pressure on my wholesaler. There is nothing we support. We work seriously.
How do you act now that you have realized this?
– I have already contacted my supplier and have told them that of course it is completely unsustainable if that is the case. They, in turn, will act now and discover more.
ICA Central writes in an email to the editorial staff that they have no agreement with Abraham Hill and that each ICA store decides for itself who to buy from.
The president of the green sector section of the Kommunal union, Thérese Ekelöv, reacts strongly:
– It is scary if this is true, but it is difficult for us to act because we do not have an assignment if we do not have a member who comes to us. They are often very afraid to contact us. They need this money and their job, so that’s where we have a big problem.
Abraham Hills CEO Cajsa Aaby Ericsson rejects the criticism, saying they pay salaries of 20 to 30,000 kronor a month after taxes.
When we refer to a pay slip that shows SEK 11.56 per hour, he laughs and says he doesn’t believe it.
200 seconds is Aftonbladet and Viafree’s TV show for quick reviews, which is great to watch on your mobile phone.
Robert Aschberg and Lindah C Mohlin sees abuse of power, contemporary phenomena and individual cases that arouse emotions.
Don’t miss the latest 200 second episode!