Västerås airport is closed: council decision tonight


Shortly before four in the morning on Friday, the matter was put to a vote, after just over three and a half hours of debate among the deputies. At the time, the council had lasted almost twelve hours, a meeting unprecedented in the history of Västerås politics.

The vote

The majority closure proposal won in the vote. 32 members voted in favor of closing the airport, while 29 members voted against.

The Center Party’s proposal that the matter should not be decided before a referendum is held was rejected earlier.

Before that, it had also been voted whether the issue would be decided during the meeting or whether it would be postponed, after a vote, it was then decided first.

Great interest

Many Västerås residents followed the town hall debate broadcast live on the Västerås city website, more than 3,700 viewers.

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See tours of the Västerås airport closure. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix