Per Bolund of the Green Party: wants to continue the January collaboration


The Green Party is balanced around the four percent barrier to the Riksdag. Last week, Per Bolund’s fellow spokesperson Isabella Lövin announced that she was resigning and leaving politics.

Bolund explains to DN that he will miss her for the fact that the dropout also opens for a fresh start to the party.

– This is an opportunity to reboot and show one about a tougher Green Party. We will sharpen our way of speaking. We have been very bad at talking about what we want to achieve and what proposals we bring with us to the negotiations, the finance minister tells the newspaper.

Wants to retain government power

Internally, the Green Party struggles with the compromises that cooperation with the Social Democrats has entailed.

But Per Bolund wants to retain both government power and the January collaboration with the Center Party and Liberals after 2022.

– Even when difficult situations arise, like now during the crisis, we can find solutions together, he tells DN.

Per Bolund says he is in politics to make a difference.

– All parties must strive to implement their policies and then must also strive to sit in government.

READ MORE: Isabella Lövin resigns as spokesperson for the Green Party
READ MORE: The Green Party receives its lowest support in ten years