In a Facebook post on Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s founder and CEO, says: “It’s important that you can run campaigns to increase engagement, and overall I think the best antidote to bad posts is more posts. But during the final days of an election campaign, there may not be time to question new claims. Therefore, in the last week before the elections, we will refuse to include any new political ads. “
Facebook also comes intervene against candidates or their campaigns if it is claimed prematurely in office that they have won elections before all the votes have been cast. This will be done through the link to the Reuters news agency that reports the official results, writes the Washington Post.
The same procedure will apply to items where the election result is described as illegitimate, for example, if it is claimed that voting by mail could lead to electoral fraud.
Facebook has come under fire for its unwillingness to force moderation and fact-checking of politicians’ statements and campaign messages, a criticism that has also been heard within the company.
When the US Stock Market Is Listed Initially, Facebook’s share fell 1.5 percent shortly after Zuckerberg’s statement expired.
Read more: The presidential elections, a great challenge for social networks