The 22 researchers endorse several of their own tips on the crown


In mid-April, researchers came out as “the 22” after directing strong criticism of Sweden’s handling of the crown crisis in a debate post. They then demanded, among other things, the closure of schools.

Some of the researchers have since been replaced, and now the group calls itself the Science Forum Covid 19.

On their website they have published texts and questions-answers about whether to use mouth guards, arguments in favor of children and asymptomatic infections, and also a list of recommendations to reduce the risk of infection.

Under that list, the group has highlighted Thrombyl, an anticoagulant drug, which the reader was urged to consider to avoid blood clots: “We have no data at all, but theoretically one thrombol a day may be enough.”

“It’s hard to count your own breaths”

Another tip has been to count the breaths and record if they increase.

Anders Sönnerborg is Professor of Clinical Virology and Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Officer at Karolinska University Hospital. Write to DN that you have not seen any studies supporting the city council to take Trombyl.

Another chief physician at Karolinska University Hospital, Soo Alemán, sees problems with the recommendation to count breaths:

– It is difficult for each patient to count their own breaths. An outside person has to do it, so you don’t know they count. Otherwise, you can start to breathe faster, she tells DN.

Now the council has been removed from the list.

– We removed it because there is no evidence of it, says Anders Vahlne professor emeritus and one of the people in the Vetenskapsforum covid-19 to DN steering group on Trombylrådet.

The advice to count breaths has also disappeared.

– There is no hard evidence of that. So we also remove it.

– We are not worse than we can change and be more careful. We hope that the Swedish Public Health Agency can also do this when they are wrong.

READ MORE: Teacher: It is very likely that the spread will increase again
READ MORE: Strong criticism of FHM: ​​they behave like politicians
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