The gang conflict between the Ali Khan network and Backagänget during the month of August has included several shootings and self-established barricades by criminals. A meeting was held last week at the Gothenburg Posthotellet to mediate peace and the conflict appears to be resolved at the moment. According to information from Aftonbladet, it ended up that Backagänget had to “fine” hundreds of thousands of crowns.
During Wednesday’s meeting of the municipal board in Gothenburg, Erik Nord, chief of police in Greater Gothenburg, and Jörgen Thorén, area chief of local police in Hisingen, drew a picture of the situation for local politicians.
The Swedish Interior Minister, Mikael Damberg (S), was also present at the meeting via a link.
Chief of Police: “provocative”
– It was an open dialogue from both the Interior Minister and the municipal council, concludes Erik Nord.
Erik Nord and Jörgen Thorén reported on the development of the last month in the world of gangs in particular.
– We describe the situation we have gone through in recent weeks with a conflict that contained a couple of unusual elements and that exacerbated this situation. These are the so-called roadblocks, the meeting in the Posthotellet that was provocative in its implementation and that testifies that it is ignored how it is perceived from these criminal networks. You see yourself living in your own archive, says Erik Nord.
Damberg: “There is anger”
During the meeting, Mikael Damberg spoke about the government’s 34-point program with anti-gang crime measures. These include the introduction of secret coercive measures, mandatory detention for more offenses, and a reduction in the reimbursement of sentences for young people. Local politicians also had the opportunity to ask Damberg questions.
GT has sought out Mikael Damberg, who has not had a chance to comment.
– There is outrage that criminal gangs reduce security and act ruthlessly. That anger is shared by many, the people, the political parties, the police. The answer is to put even more pressure on the gangs. I perceive it as if the Gothenburg police got ahead of themselves and had a good intelligence image, Damberg tells DN.
Erik Nord talks about the gang conflict in Gothenburg.