St. Petri School students are sent home again


On Wednesday, S: t Petri High School in Malmö made the decision to send its students home in grades two and three.

Starting Monday of next week, students will return to distance education. The decision was announced to all students on Wednesday morning.

But the school will not be completely empty. Second and third grade students will take turns on campus every two weeks.

In addition, first-year and introductory language students can continue to receive classes at the school.

In total, just over 260 students per week disappear from the school premises.

“I have received different reactions. Students want to go to school, but most understand why we made this decision,” writes Eva Daun.

Until the fall break

Two weeks ago, the school welcomed its more than 850 students to its facilities. Now, the school leadership hopes to keep the spread of the infection low during the fall.

“We firmly believe that distance education cannot compete with local education. If our measures have no effect on the spread of the infection and the infection situation in Malmö is low, we will probably return to local education for all students after the November holidays, ”writes Principal Eva Daun.

The decision is valid from Monday, September 7 to October 23, 2020

Narrow rooms

After being closed for five months, students at St. Petri School looked forward to going back to study there.

– At the beginning of the summer, I thought it would be the distance, it feels good that it did not happen, Emma Persson, 15, said at the beginning of school to Kvällsposten.

But other students expressed the difficulty of maintaining distance at the facility.

– There are narrow corridors, there are people standing in the corridors and we also have lockers there. It is often crowded. The dining room is also very small, says Nora Nielsen.

READ MORE: Director: “We can count on the spread of the infection”
READ MORE: Several infected at school, after traveling to Sweden

TV: Films from Inside Malmö’s Underworld

Films on bundles of banknotes and Rolex watches in gold are used as evidence.
