One of them was nominated by the leader of the Democratic group Martin Wannholt.
– Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said three and a half years ago that “we will break the gangs”. I asked Mikael Damberg what the new schedule was like. So we got the answer that it was dangerous to have a schedule, Wannholt said after the meeting.
Jörgen Fogelklou of the Swedish Democrats, meanwhile, took the opportunity to link the government’s new action plan, the so-called 34-point program, with proposals he believed similar to those put forward by SD’s Kent Ekeroth as early as 2011.
– Like what Damberg is talking about now, eliminating sanction returns, introducing coercive coercive measures and opening up to crown witnesses … it seems like he read our party’s program nine years ago. But I wonder if he has the clout to push for politics in the Riksdag, Fogelklou said.
Does not belong It is common practice for government representatives to be invited to city council meetings, but this is what happened now in Gothenburg. Damberg participated by video of a car trip.
Gothenburg politicians also received presentations on the situation from Erik Nord, chief of police in Greater Gothenburg and head of the concerned administrations.
Mikael Damberg tells DN after the meeting that he was asked about the government’s plans.
– We had a discussion about long-term work. Now I also had the opportunity to consult directly with Police Chief Erik Nord so that the Gothenburg police in this situation would not request resources that they did not receive. Otherwise, there are national remedies.

Erik Nord, Gothenburg Police Chief.
Photo: Tomas Ohlsson
Damberg says that He also highlighted the police growth that comes from the new police training in Borås.
– In Borås, the police formation is well packed, last year we recruited 240 police officers in the west region and 85 new ones arrived in June. We also talk about security guards and surveillance cameras.
In recent weeks, however, Erik Nord has pointed out that only in late 2023 will the addition of new police officers in Gothenburg have a real impact.
Regarding the incorporation of police officers, Democrat Martin Wannholt says that during the meeting he asked Erik Nord what it really takes to achieve zero tolerance, to end gangs in the city.
– North’s answer was 500 more police officers, but the planned addition for 2024 is 320.

The group leaders of the alliance in Gothenburg met after the city council meeting, from left to right Helene Odenjung, L, Axel Josefson, M, Emmyly Bönfors, C and Elisabet Lann, KD.
Photo: Lars Näslund
After the municipal board meeting, the governing Alliance took the opportunity to describe what is actually being done now.
– I think we had a good conversation with the Minister of the Interior. Of course, we are not happy with the situation that has arisen. Now it’s about putting guards where needed, intensifying deserter operations, we’ve added special deserter pilots. We receive many reports of concern for children now. Gothenburg should be a city where it is difficult to be a criminal, said Axel Josefson, chairman of the city council.
Central party Emmyly Bönfors He described how the environmental administration cooperates with the police and the Swedish Tax Agency against unhealthy competition where they look for companies that do not follow the regulations and how they have found various activities that have not even been registered.
Regarding recent reactions from both local politicians and the general public, Interior Minister Mikael Damberg says:
– There is outrage that criminal gangs reduce security and act ruthlessly. That anger is shared by many, the people, the political parties, the police. The answer is to put even more pressure on the gangs. I perceive it as if the Gothenburg police intervened and had a good intelligence image, says Mikael Damberg.

Robert Karlsson, deputy chief of the Western regional police, who has been on loan in Stockholm for a period.
Photo: Jonas Lindstedt
In February this year, then-deputy regional police chief in the West, Robert Karlsson at DN, said he wanted a new weapon against professional criminals in the form of what he called an area ban.
– An area ban for district crime leaders would of course be an incredibly precise and powerful proposal. But it would be very few people. I don’t believe in the visitation zones that are sometimes suggested. Area bans, on the other hand, would be effective. But I understand the political dynamics of this, said Robert Karlsson.
In the government’s so-called 34-point program There are proposals for a restraining order in which it should be possible to have the same kind of control over where a person who has been sentenced to parole stays as people who are on parole. It is suggested that foot shackles become more common.
Another point in the program is the new sanction for youth monitoring, which will take effect at the end of the year.
Are these measures, the bans on staying and the surveillance of young people enough, or did you hear from the police requesting more steps here?
– I think this can be a powerful tool to work with young people that we have not had. Now it will be possible to forbid them to go out on weekends and nights, they will no longer be able to stay in the environments where they used to hang out. But the probation service probation service also gains new muscles for those who are released. It will be interesting to follow, says Mikael Damberg.
Are the authorities prepared to start taking advantage of the new opportunities from the turn of the year?
– I hope and believe it. Yes, there is a lot of new legislation on the way and the authorities need to keep up to date. For example, those who organize public transport can start installing cameras in stations and other places without special permits.