Astra Zeneca corona vaccine enters phase three in the United States


Astra Zeneca announces that the company is entering the third and final phase of clinical trials of its corona vaccine in the United States. Tens of thousands of volunteers will test the vaccine.

Up to 30,000 adults of different ethnic groups, with age range and geography to be evaluated in the United States. Some may have underlying ailments, such as being infected with HIV. The common denominator is that everyone should be at higher risk of becoming infected with sars-cov-2.

Test subjects will receive doses of the vaccine, or ineffective saline, in two doses at four-week intervals, to see if the vaccine is effective and safe. With 3,000 people, the company will investigate local and systemic reactions and the immune response in more detail.

Supervised for two years

Everyone who gets tested will be closely monitored after the test, and will also be asked to watch for side effects when they return home. After their second dose, they will be monitored for two years with regular blood tests. Those suspected of being infected with the coronavirus will be monitored more closely.

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According to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), the tests will primarily determine whether the vaccine can prevent people infected with the new coronavirus from developing symptoms.

“The study will also assess whether the candidate vaccine can prevent sars-cov-2 infections regardless of symptoms and whether it can prevent severe covid-19. It will also assess whether the experimental vaccine can reduce the incidence of emergency visits due to covid- 19, “the authority writes in a press release.

Several countries

Clinical trials of the vaccine are already underway in the UK, Brazil and South Africa, and are expected to begin soon in Japan and Russia. In total, about 50,000 people will test the new candidate vaccine.

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“We are working fast but not taking shortcuts,” Chief Executive Pascal Soriot said in a press release.

Astra Zeneca’s hope is that the results of the phase 3 study will be completed by the end of this year, and the company estimates that three billion doses will be manufactured if all goes well.
