Save the Children: Violence is a national disaster


Of: TT


Children and parents living in violent residential areas bear witness to great concern.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Pedersen, Terje

Children and parents living in violent residential areas bear witness to great concern. Stock Photography.

Children and parents in residential areas exposed to violence testify to great anxiety and mental illness.

– Parents are considering whether they dare to let their children play outside, says Maria Frisk, manager of Save the Children’s Sweden.

These are children, young people and their parents who, through Save the Children’s local activities, raise awareness of crime-related concerns. The organization lacks figures but considers that the problem has increased, mainly in the already exposed areas of the country.

– Recently there have been some shootings in the Järva area of ​​Stockholm. That’s one example, Frisk says.

– The violence that occurs in Swedish residential areas is a child rights problem and indeed a national disaster. The children who live there are deprived of the right to feel safe, he continues.

According to Save the Children, preventive measures are needed to overcome the problem, both from civil society and public bodies. It is important to ensure that children have a safe education and access to leisure activities, believes Maria Frisk.

– The violence that occurs in residential areas is a very complex issue and there is no “quick fix”, he says.

